Meet Women in Your Area By Pretending You Are Not That Interested

Meet Women in Your Area By Pretending You Are Not That Interested

Meet Women in Your Area By Pretending You Are Not That Interested These days there are tons of good casual dating sites out there (like those in this list) that will allow you to meet women and men in your area. While there are many good websites that make local hookups easier, there are still many different ways to mess up these opportunities. This article will discuss the very common problem of looking too interested and highlight some strategies to overcome it. Ranked by many men and women as one of the biggest turn-offs, knowing how to not seem too interested is extremely important when venturing out in today's dating scene.

Keep Them Wanting More

There is a very simple and easy way to not seem interested and anyone can do it. All you have to do is completely ignore the person of interest. While you will be successful at not looking too interested, chances are you won't achieve your end goal. If you don't want to seem too interested and yet keep them wanting more, you should be constantly playing the line of just interested enough. The goal is demonstrate that you are interested in pursuing them, but at the same time expressing that they are not necessary for you to have a good time. It is a careful balance between push and pull and learning when to give and when to take.

Some Silence Can Be Key to Get that Local Hookup

Being quiet can sometimes be perceived as a bad thing, but when searching for that local hookup, appearing not too interested is really important. The first and classic reason for this is that being quiet can actually give the other person a chance to speak. A major complaint from many of today's daters is that the person they were meeting did not leave any room for them to speak. Secondly, using silence when asked a question will make the person who asked doubt your interest in them. This can be a key tactic for keeping them on the edge of their seat, wondering exactly how you feel about them. Whether you act like you are too focused on the task at hand or just pretend to have not heard them, you will be sending the message that they are not the only thing that is important to you. This will drive people who are used to having someone's full attention crazy, and will only make them want your attention more.

Flirt Conservatively When Meeting Men or Women

Flirting is a tool that should only be used in specific moments when pursuing a romantic interest. If you don't want to appear desperate, then it is important that you only flirt when it is appropriate. Take into account the timing, the duration, the response, and the environment that is happening when you choose to flirt with your romantic interest. You should almost always be alone with this person when you do flirt, and it should not be overtly obvious. Perhaps a touch of the arm, an honest compliment, or a deep, yet brief, look into their eyes would be the perfect amount of flirting. Sometimes catching them a little off guard can be one of the best moves to make. Say something nice when they aren't expecting it, and be sure to smile and walk away before the moment ends. Whenever you leave on a high note, you will be engraving that positive moment on that person until the next time that you meet.

Good Casual Dating Sites Can Help You

Some dating sites can be the perfect wingman (or wingwoman) as they really streamline the whole process. When using a good casual dating site, it is important to remember that concept of push and pull. The internet age has made meeting other people more accessible than ever before, so it is important to keep this in mind while choosing when and how to respond. You have to demonstrate confidence and keep interest alive, so once you have matched with someone, it is important to reach out right away. However, even online you can appear to be too eager, so it is important to keep your daily routine and not worry too much about responses after you have made your initial contact. After a few days of positive chatting, you should ask to meet them, but don't clear your schedule just to make the date happen. Let them know that you have a busy life, but if you can find the time, you would be interested in setting something up. This will keep them interested, and you won't appear too eager.