Casual Sex: Are You Making Love or Just Having Sex?

Casual Sex: Are You Making Love or Just Having Sex?

How does one know if you're just hooking up or if you're falling in love? Are you having sex for validation or are you truly making love to someone? As a single man myself I've had a really hard time figuring this out. It can't just be the way you feel, it also has to be the way she feels. It is all about the shared reciprocal feelings or lack thereof. Below I will give you some ways to figure out if its just sex or truly love making. Casual Sex: Are You Making Love or Just Having Sex?

10 Ways to Know if You're Just Having Sex or if You're Falling in Love

Do you want to hook up again?

Did you just meet her? You had a sexy romp. The night was over like many before it. You thought you had your fill and now you can move on. But wait. You find yourself thinking about her. You're at the gym and you're wondering what she might be up to. If you can't stop thinking about her maybe you should think seriously about taking the next step with her.

You've got butterflies

That feeling in your stomach of uneasiness when you're about to see again. You're so excited to see her again that it makes you feel sick. Nothing stresses you out. You're never nervous. This girl makes you nervous. She's under your skin and you can't control it.

Something is just different this time

When you two were beneath the sheets it just felt different this time. You two actually looked into eachothers eyes. There was a real connection being formed. Maybe you came at the same time. It all felt strange and foreign, but also so right and comfortable. Sometimes there is just that inexplicable feeling. Follow your instincts that are telling you that this one is different. It's just more real.

Are you just ridiculously happy?

Can't wipe that smile off your face. Sitting at your office desk smirking like an idiot. People keep telling you that you seem happier. The barista at the coffee shop said it was nice to finally see you in a good mood. Can some girl really make you this happy? You're sortof in disbelief, but you're so happy, and you don't care who sees it.

You're getting jealous

Have you just spend the better half of your day looking through all her old facebook photos. You're instantly more angry when you see one that looks like she's with her ex. We all feel jealousy when we have true feelings for someone. This one night stand is way more. When you start caring about her dating history, you're falling for her.

Making all kinds of plans

The two of you are making all kinds of plans together. Deciding that brunching this weekend with her girlfriends sounds exciting for you. You even started making plans to cook dinner this week together. You basically started buying your groceries together. You keep making more and more plans.

You want to meet her family

She's got a family commitment this weekend. She casually invites you along after you've hooked up. Not only do you agree but you're actually looking forward to it. Her entire family will be there. You're not only going for the free beer and BBQ but you also want to impress her parents.

You care about pleasing her sexually

You're not just interested in getting off. You want her to get off too. You want her to enjoy it so much that she comes back to you. You're putting her needs before yours. Even after you finish you're making sure she's satisfied as well.

Your friends barely see you anymore

It's playoff season and you're not even going down to the bar to watch the game. Frankly, you don't even know how your favorite team is doing. All that has mattered these past few weeks is cuddling in bed. Spending as much time together and hooking up. Your friends don't even bother making plans with you anymore.

Being Romantic

Going out of your way to be nice? Showing her you appreciate her time. Maybe you're even buying her gifts like flowers. You're trying to impress her with you sweetness. You want her to stay with you for the long haul. You're doing everything you can to keep her happy and make sure that she wants you as her man. This list may help you find out if it was just sex with her or if it was more. Lastly, if spending time with her is more meaningful to you than having sex with her, then you're definitely falling in love.